Madonna - Girls Gone Wild


My Virtual World

I've been asked a couple of times what prompted me to do a blog, and the truth of the matter is I really can't say for sure, except that I needed some kind of escape from the "real" world.

You see, I'm not coping too well in the real world, I suffer severe bouts of depression, sometimes they only last a few weeks, but for lots of personal reasons that I won't go into here (I wouldn't want to depress my readers) these past few months have been a real struggle and I needed a distraction which is why I started blogging again, otherwise I probably would have done something really stupid, you know what I mean.

Originally I called the blog Fork 'n Knife (which if said with an irish accent, sounds like your swearing) but the name didn't portray anything, it was meaningless, so instead I changed it to Life! Just Enjoy it! because I would really like to enjoy life again I really would!

We're only on this planet for a short time, a blink of an eye really when you consider how old the planet really is, and if your like me and don't believe in a God anymore, its the only life we're going to get, who would want to live it when your contantly depressed, well thats enough about me.

This blogs not about me it's about life and the funny things we see, hear or read every day, it's about getting out there and living life to the full with No regrets, live each day as if it was your last and if you have friends to share it with, so much the better.

This blog is going to be My Virtual World of Contant Happiness, so now you know!

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